The packaging guidelines of Rewe Markt GmbH for food, near and non food products and the REWE Group guidelines, which are applicable throughout the Group for fruit & vegetables, are essential documents that describe the requirements placed on the scannability and all relevant visual and physical properties of primary, secondary and tertiary packagings.
The goal is the optimization of the flow of goods and the handling along the process chain, from Incoming Goods in the warehouse to checkout in the market. To ensure this, the packaging guidelines equally take the logistics requirements for efficient and secure order picking as well as the functional requirements of the markets for smooth goods handling and optimum saleability into account. In case of possible conflicts in the objectives of the logistic and functional requirements, the packaging guidelines provide guidance and solutions.
Furthermore, existing guidelines and directives, e.g. from the area of quality management or sustainability shall be observed and applied. Likewise, please refer to the brand-specific defaults in the Tray Manual and Print Manual of the respective private labels.
The guidline for fruit & vegetables is available in German, English and Spanish.
The Food guidelines (Barcode, Secondary and Tertiary Packagings) are available in German. The publication of the English versions is planned for February 2016.