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3_Artikelstammdaten: Article Master Data
Article Master Data
Article Master Data

The submission of complete, timely, error-free master data that conforms to EU law and to the GDSN standard is a fixed part of our general purchasing regulations and is therefore a necessary part of business relations with the REWE Group.
In this section of the REWE Supplier Portal you will find relevant information and documents of the REWE Group on the subject of master data.

This section is divided up as follows:

1. GDSN data pool
This section will provide you with useful information on the subject of the GDSN data pool and how you can prepare your master data electronically.
2. Item datasheet
In the exceptional case that you have not yet prepared your master data via the GDSN data pool, this section will provide you with the current version of the standardised item datasheet of the REWE Group. This is to be comprehensively used for all FMCG branded goods that are not transferred via a GDSN datapool as well as for all food and near-food own brand items. As a supplier, it is your duty to check the REWE supplier portal regularly for updates.

3. Recommendation for use: product images
This section contains standards of the GS1 for product Images.